At Tina Hoar Counselling Services, we offer professional counselling and support to children and young people from ages 8 to 18 years old. Although we would wish that childhood was idyllic and trouble free, it rarely is. Many children and young people will encounter difficulties and upset along the way. Providing a child/young person with support and a space to talk enables them to feel heard and have their fears validated. They can develop resilience and other skills for life which they can use in adulthood.
At Tina Hoar Counselling Services we draw on a great deal of experience of working therapeutically with children and young people in a range of settings, schools, colleges, charities and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service over many years. We are committed to a robust safeguarding policy, with up to date training and DBS checks. Your child’s safety is our priority.
Once your child commits to counselling, they are offered the same terms of confidentiality as adult clients. We do not share with parents what is discussed within the therapy sessions. This would threaten the trusting nature of the therapeutic relationship and may prevent the child or young person from fully sharing and receiving support. Instead we encourage young clients to share with their parents what they feel able to. If, however, the child or young person discloses safeguarding concerns this will be dealt with swiftly and thoroughly to ensure their safety.
If you feel that counselling may benefit your child/young person we would be happy to offer an initial consultation, free of charge, to you both, to determine how we might offer the best form of support. Please do not hesitate to get in touch.
“Although we had a very good relationship with our daughter, we found ourselves unable to give her the level of support required to deal with her anxiety and depression following a traumatic experience. We turned to Tina and it was clear that after the first session our daughter felt comfortable with Tina and her methods.
There were a number of approaches suggested by Tina that we would never have considered on our own, but all of these proved beneficial. The process was not quick, but for us and our daughter to know that progress was being made and she was starting to gain confidence and self-belief was of huge relief and reassurance to us all.
Our daughter started University this week, she was happy, confident, and looking forward to the next chapter in her life. There was a time we doubted this would be possible.
As a family we will be forever grateful for the help and support of Tina. Our Daughter no longer requires Tina’s professional services but knowing she is there if needed is of great comfort. “